CARE of Lantana:

If the Lantana is in full sun, give it enough water so that the root ball cannot dry out. Make sure there are drainage holes so that excess water can drain from the pot. Add some plant food to the irrigation water every week.
After flowering, dark berries appear on the shrub. It is better to remove these so that all the energy can go to new flower formation. You can safely prune away long branches that grow out of the shape of the shrub so that the shape can be maintained. You can also prune the plant if it has grown too large for your taste or veranda or conservatory. You can then prune the thickest branches back by half. Preferably do this in early spring when you see the new leaf buds appearing.

Overwintering Lantana

This plant will hibernate indoors in a cool place at about 7°C without any problems. Water it moderately so that the root ball cannot dry out. Initially the leaves remain on the plants, but from January they start to fall off en masse and it seems that the Lantana is dying. A plant with few or no leaves evaporates virtually no more water during this rest period and it is therefore advisable to give very little water. From March you can place the bare changeling flower a bit warmer and you will soon see new leaf buds appear. As soon as all danger of frost has passed, these container plants can be placed outside on the terrace or balcony. You can also plant them in the plant border, tub and all. In the spring you can regularly top the plants to obtain a strongly branched and compact shrub.

Extra information:

Pot size: P26

Approximately the purchase height of the plant: +- 60cm

The ideal temperature for the plant: 15°C - 25°C

Watering: 1x a week

Location: Lots of light and/or partial shade

Plant food: 1x per month

Not suitable for consumption


Every plant grows and blooms in its own way and will differ per season and per plant.
The plant shown may differ in shape from that purchased in the store or webshop.

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Number of pieces in packaging
Suitable for
Flowering time
May - October
Winter hardy
Attractive for
Butterflies & Bees
Air purifying
Does not apply
Perennial plant
The strength of the plant
Out of stock
Delivery time
1-2 days


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