CARE of Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia):
Rudbeckia loves sun the most and is therefore not called a coneflower for nothing! But partial shade is usually not a problem. The plant appreciates a spot with sufficient afternoon sun.
Black-eyed Susan loves all nutrient-rich soils, even clay soil, humus-rich soil is ideal. The soil should not remain wet all the time, so make sure that the soil is permeable to water. By the way, few plants like to have wet feet all the time.
Do not cut the flowers after flowering, but leave them until March. This way you can enjoy the decorative flower heads in the winter when nothing is blooming. In addition, some hold their leaves for a long time. Apply fertilizers to the plant immediately after cutting in early spring.
The plant grows clump-shaped and does not proliferate. If the clump gets too big, or after a few years, you can dig it up and tear the root ball or cut it with a spade. Spring or autumn is the best time for this. You replan the loose parts. This rejuvenates the plant, extending its lifespan and also gives you even more Black-eyed Susan to enjoy.
Extra information:
Pot size: P15
Approximately the purchase height of the plant: +- 40cm
The ideal temperature for the plant: 15°C - 25°C
Watering: 1x a week
Location: Lots of light and/or partial shade
Not suitable for consumption
Every plant grows and blooms in its own way and will differ per season and per plant.
The plant shown may differ in shape from that purchased in the store or webshop.
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