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X1 - Hydrangea

Particularly compact flowering hydrangea, good sun resistant, beautiful autumn colouring. It requires very little maintenance and has a long flowering time so that you can enjoy this hydrangea to the fullest.

X3 - Felicia

Felicia is a beautiful bloomer. Can be kept as a container plant or as a plant in the border. The plant will bloom profusely with a fantastic blue sea of ​​flowers.

X3 - Heather

The Calluna or Heather is a plant that blooms in the months of September to November. The plant has a mature height of 50 cm, is evergreen and extremely hardy. The Calluna prefers a slightly acidic soil in the sun or partial shade.

X1 - Chrysanths

They are fall bloomers. They form flower buds when the days get shorter (short day plants). They are available in various colors and shades. Most have a convex shape.

X3 - Silver bush

The calocephalus is a perennial shrub that is often offered as an annual for window boxes. The striking silver-grey, needle-shaped twigs grow in a tangle, forming one full bush. The flowers are inconspicuous.

X3 - Aster

Aster is an autumn aster with a compact upright shape, the leaves are lanceolate, hairy and colored dark green. This aster blooms in September and October with abundant daisy-like flowers.

X2 - Jerusalem Cherry

Jerusalem Cherry is a decorative plant that bears beautiful, decorative orange apples from late autumn to early winter. Not edible.

X2 - Christmas cactus or Thanksgiving cactus.

The Christmas cactus is a sparkling bloomer, has flat leaves with curved spines and naturally blooms in winter. Then the Christmas cactus produces purple, red, white, pink flowers. So there is a good chance that you will enjoy its colors around Christmas.
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