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X3 - Coral Bells

Coral Bells is a popular garden plant because of its beautiful reddish-brown foliage.

X1 - Prayer plants

The Calathea is a beautiful plant with remarkably large leaves that protrude directly from the soil via stems. They are decorated with patterns and leaf drawing

X2 - Spiderwort

It is a beautiful and easy plant. The leaves grow to about 2 centimeters long. They are green on the bottom and purple on top.

X2 - Salvia

Salvia is an easy compact growing plant that also flowers for a long time and forms neat clumps. The deep blue flowers are in clusters on long stems.

X3 - Gollum Jade

Crassula is a very strong succulent plant.

X1 - Lily of the Nile

The lily produces beautiful blue flowers on a long stem and likes a sunny spot. You can easily place the agapanthus in a pot or tub or open ground.

X2 - Crown of thorns

The honey locust is a cactus-like succulent plant. The thin, strongly spinulose branches have light green, short oval leaves at the ends.

X2 - A leaf of the Tolmiea menziesii

A green houseplant, the leaves are soft and variegated. If you look closely at the leaves you will see baby leaves growing on the slightly larger leaves.
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