CARE of Primrose (Primula):

Daily testing with your finger to see if the potting soil is still moist appears to be the best advice when pouring. Unnecessary wetting of the leaves and flowers should be avoided. It is therefore best to water via a saucer under the pot.

Faded flowers are preferably removed in good time, so that the plant does not waste energy on seed formation, but on the contrary can still develop the young, newly formed flower buds. In this way you can extend the flowering period of your Primula considerably.

Extra information:

Pot size: P10.50 cm

Approximately the purchase height of the plant: +- 20cm

The ideal temperature for the plant: 15°C - 25°C

Watering: 2x a week

Location: Lots of light and/or partial shade

Plant food: 1x every 2 months

Not suitable for consumption


Every plant grows and blooms in its own way and will differ per season and per plant.
The plant shown may differ in shape from that purchased in the store or webshop.

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Number of pieces in packaging
Suitable for
Inside & Outside
Flowering time
March - May
Winter hardy
Attractive for
Bees & Insects
Air purifying
Perennial plant
The strength of the plant
1in stock
Delivery time
1-2 days




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