CARE of Heather (Calluna):

Calluna or Heather is a small perennial evergreen ornamental shrub that likes acidic soil and a sunny position. This plant is also sometimes called summer heather because it blooms in the summer, unlike the winter heather (erica). The color of the flowers can vary depending on the species. Calluna is a good ground cover and very attractive to bees and butterflies.

Planting instructions:
Can be planted all year round, but the best time is autumn. The soil may be poor but contain absolutely no lime or salt, it grows best on an acidic, humus-rich, moisture-retaining and nutrient-rich soil. When planting, it is strongly recommended to improve the soil with peat, heathland, living humus or compost. Also suitable for containers and pots.

Every year some organic fertilizer or lime-free manure: fishmeal or seaweed-based.
In the spring, remove the tops with a hedge trimmer and trim the plant. Regular pruning or rejuvenation prevents the plant from becoming bald and also promotes flowering.


Height: 20 - 50 cm
Hardy: Very winter hardy
Humidity: Humid
Light: Sun, Part shade
Evergreen: Evergreen

Without accompanying decorative pot.
The plant is safely packed in a box.

Extra information:
Every plant grows and blooms in its own way and will differ per season and per plant.
The plant/pot shown may differ in shape and size from the purchase in the store or online store.

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Number of pieces in packaging
Suitable for
Flowering time
August - October
Winter hardy
Attractive for
Butterflies & Bees
Air purifying
Does not apply
Perennial plant
The strength of the plant
5in stock
Delivery time
1-2 dagen




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