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X2 - Jerusalem Cherry

Jerusalem Cherry is a decorative plant that bears beautiful, decorative orange apples from late autumn to early winter. Not edible.

X3 - Coral moss

It is a decorative and cheerful houseplant that has a sea of ​​colorful orange berries.

X2 - Rose mallow

Hibiscus is a grateful and flowering plant that flowers all summer long. The green, shiny leaf is three-lobed and the lobes are toothed. The flowers bloom for a short time, maximum 3 days, but new flowers appear for 3 to 4 months.

X2 - Crown of thorns

The honey locust is a cactus-like succulent plant. The thin, strongly spinulose branches have light green, short oval leaves at the ends.

X2 - Common ivy

Hedera helix White Wonder or variegated ivy is the perfect hanging plant for indoors or outdoors. With its bi-colored leaves and air purifying properties.

x1 - Gloxinia

Gloxinia, known as Sinningia is a cheerful, decorative plant. The velvety leaves and bell-shaped flowers grow straight from its tuber.

Handwerk Christmas flower arrangements

It's not Christmas without a Christmas flower arrangement on the table. Everything is made of strong materials, so you can enjoy it for a long time.

X3 - Chrysanths

They are fall bloomers. They form flower buds when the days get shorter (short day plants). They are available in various colors and shades. Most have a convex shape.

X2 - Christmas cactus or Thanksgiving cactus

The Christmas cactus is a sparkling bloomer, has flat leaves with curved spines and naturally blooms in winter. Then the Christmas cactus produces purple, red, white, pink flowers. So there is a good chance that you will enjoy its colors around Christmas.

X2 - Spider plant

Chlorophytum name means nothing more than 'yellow-green plant'. It is a particularly strong houseplant with narrow curved leaves. Very easy houseplant.

X1 - Furry Feather Calathea

Calathea rufibarba leaves are thin and elongated, open in point and have wavy edges. The underside is dark red and has a soft, almost hairy, structure.

X2 - Cactus

Super strong houseplant.
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