CARE of Azalea (Rhododendron):

The Azalea is a very multifunctional roommate and an exuberant bloomer. With a few copies in your house, your ability to concentrate increases considerably, scientific research has shown.

Temperature: The plants can be kept in the living room at a moderate temperature of 15 to 22 ° C. A slightly cooler place such as the entrance hall or a corridor are also suitable as a place.

Azaleas require a light spot, especially the modern varieties. Direct sunlight is to be avoided, then the flowers wither quickly and the plant evaporates too much water.

Water: The root ball of azalea must always be moist. Preferably water with rainwater (tap water contains too much lime). The root ball must be able to let the excess water through, compare the root ball with a sponge that retains water.

An extra care tip is to place the plant in a bowl or pot with sand in it; when there is too much water, the water flows downwards and at the same time forms a reserve in the event of a shortage of water.

  • If you do not have the time to check the root ball every day, you can immerse the plant in a bucket once a week so that all the air has disappeared from the root ball and then let the root ball drain. Your azalea now has a few days reserve.

  • Fertilization: A healthy quality plant does not need immediate additional fertilization. An azalea is very sensitive to too much salt in the root ball.

Extra information:

Pot size: P12

Approximately the purchase height of the plant: +- 25cm

The ideal temperature for the plant: 15°C - 25°C

Watering: 2x a week

Location: Partial shade

Plant food: 2x per month

Not suitable for consumption


Every plant grows and blooms in its own way and will differ per season and per plant.
The plant shown may differ in shape from that purchased in the store or webshop.

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Number of pieces in packaging
Suitable for
Flowering time
February - April
Winter hardy
Attractive for
Does not apply
Air purifying
Perennial plant
The strength of the plant
Out of stock
Delivery time
1-2 days




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X2 - Azalea

The Azalea is a very multifunctional housemate and an exuberant bloomer. Place this colorful plant i
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