CARE of Philodendron (Philodendron Brikin) :

Birkin is a free-standing philodendron (meaning it is free-standing and does not climb). It grows to approximately 90cm high and 90cm wide, making it perfect for a variety of locations. This easy-to-care plant not only looks beautiful, but also purifies the air from many harmful substances!

Give the Philodendrom a light spot, but not in full sun. It is a heat-loving plant, which needs at least 16 degrees, but prefers it a little warmer. Always keep the potting soil just moist between waterings, but do not leave a layer of water in the pot. Requires less water in winter, +-1 times a week. In the spring and summer, give plant food every 2 weeks while watering. This plant also likes high humidity. Therefore, spray it regularly and preferably several times a week when the humidity in the house is low.

Extra information:

Pot size: P17

Approximately the purchase height of the plant: +- 35cm

The ideal temperature for the plant: 15°C - 25°C

Watering: 2x a week

Location: Partial shade

Plant food: 1x per month

Not suitable for consumption


Every plant grows and blooms in its own way and will differ per season and per plant.
The plant shown may differ in shape from that purchased in the store or webshop.

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Number of pieces in packaging
Suitable for
Flowering time
Does not apply
Winter hardy
Attractive for
Does not apply
Air purifying
Perennial plant
The strength of the plant
1in stock
Delivery time
1-2 days




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Philodendron Birkin
1 piece - P17