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X3 - Woolflowers

Celosia: an eye-catcher with many faces.

X1 - Gloxinia white

Gloxinia, known as Sinningia is a cheerful, decorative plant. The velvety leaves and bell-shaped flowers grow straight from its tuber.

X2 - Begonia

The Begonia always continues to bloom, whatever the weather. Remove spent flowers to extend the flowering period.

X2 - Watermelon peperomia

The leaves are somewhat thicker and fleshy to the touch, somewhat like the leaves of a succulent plant, and grow on thin stems. Very easy plant.


What a nice Christmas figure! This brown reindeer has a red scarf and 2 owls on his head.

X1 - Peace Lily

Is a stately plant with beautiful white flowers. No wonder it's the darling in a lot of living room.

Legro Potting soil

STRUCTURAL Universal Potting Soil ready for use for indoors and outdoors 20 Liters and 40 Liters - For all purposes

X1 - Rocktrumpet

Beautiful, often fragrant flowers appear between the vine branches. They not only bloom in the summer, but this beauty continues to bloom tirelessly well into the autumn. Mandevilla not only has beautiful flowers, but also beautiful, glossy green leaves.

X2 - Poinsettia

The Euphorbia or Christmas Star has beautiful bright red bracts that look more like flowers. It is the Christmas plant par excellence in December.

Christmas tree decoration

Christmas tree decoration made of wood with glitter and text Merry X-mas in burnt. Make your You add a unique touch to your Christmas tree.

X1 - Amaryllis

In the dark months of the year it doesn't hurt to bring some color into your home. The amaryllis is an ideal candidate: beautiful, large, evergreen leaves of up to 10 to 60 centimeters long, plus one or more large, brightly colored flowers.

X3 - Poinsettia mini

The Euphorbia or Poinsettia has beautiful bright red bracts that look more like flowers. It is the ideal Christmas plant in December.
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