Handwerk Bouquet
Bouquet orange pink. Make someone happy with this cheerful bouquet, a joy to receive and to give. Suitable for many occasions such as a birthday, thank you or as a helping hand.
Popular vase from the Essentials series. Due to its height, this vase is a very useful vase for bouquets.
Flower vase/decorative vase Florence made of coral red decorative glass in plain or ribbed.
This vase has probably been on your wishlist for a long time, but you also want to make this must-have shine in your home! Will this vase also make your interior shine?
X1 - Kentia palm
The Kentia palm, also known as Howea, is one of the strongest palm species that requires little maintenance, they are recognizable by their deep green leaves.
Pot Nobody
This decorative pot is a real eye-catcher in your interior. The flower pots are made exclusively from durable and very sturdy materials.
Pot Cylinder
The Cylinder is handmade from high-quality ceramic and provided with an exceptionally beautiful glaze layer.
X2 - Calendula
It forms hairy, slightly sticky leaves with bright orange flowers that bloom from late spring to early fall.
With these flower pots you give your flowers and plants a nice place in your home.
The pots have a simple design, but functional design. Less is more!
The pots have a simple design, but functional design. Less is more!
Pot Joly
The Joly series consists of sleek, modern, high-quality pots. Due to the sleek design and matte finish, the pot has a neutral appearance that brings peace to any interior.
Rush basket
These baskets are provided with plastic foil and can therefore be used as an inner and outer pot.