More tips about the beautiful Amaryllis
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- By Annelies
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The amaryllis... a real must-have during the holidays. But what do you know about this beautiful flower? In this blog you can read all about where the flower comes from and how to care for the Amaryllis.
The amaryllis... a real must-have during the holidays. But what do you know about this beautiful flower? In this blog you can read all about where the flower comes from, how to care for the amaryllis and more.
A little history.
The flower belongs to the Amaryllidaceae family and is native to South America. It owes its botanical name to William Herbert who called it Hippeastrum. 'Hippeus' stands for knight and 'astrum' for star, that is what the amaryllis stands for. The flower belongs to the daffodil family and there are even 70 to 75 species! The amaryllis is available in different colors, including red, pink, salmon, but also white with a red edge or white with pink veins. The deep red variant of the flower is especially popular around the Christmas period.
Facts about the Amaryllis
Although amaryllis flowers come from tropical regions, they are now also grown in Europe. They are known for their impressive size. They can have a diameter of up to 20 centimeters. In addition, it also has a remarkably long lifespan, because a Hippeastrum can remain in the vase for up to two weeks. This way you can enjoy the pleasant atmosphere and beautiful appearance for an extra long time.
The Amaryllis represents pride and sincere admiration, but also symbolizes love, warmth and beauty. This makes the Hippeastrum a perfect fit for Christmas. Are you visiting during Christmas? Then it is definitely recommended to give an Amaryllis! You can easily order it online and have it delivered to your home, so that you can hand it over yourself. Very easy, because the Christmas holidays are already busy enough!
How do you care for an Amaryllis cut flower?
It is best to place an Amaryllis in a tall vase. Make sure the vase is clean and contains a small layer of water. You can then stick a piece of adhesive tape around the end of the stem, this will prevent the stem from curling and tearing. Do you think the curls are part of her charm? Then you can also cut the stem to encourage curling. In addition, it is a decorative element at parties and dinners if you place the Amaryllis in a vase. Did you know that if you place an amaryllis in a tall and narrow vase, you prevent rotting pieces? The Amayrillis can last up to 2 weeks.
To keep the flower beautiful, cut the stem straight and place it in clean, lukewarm water with flower food. The water should be replaced if it becomes cloudy so that the Amaryllis lasts longer. It is also useful to know that it is a heavy but delicate flower, which can cause the flower to break. Do you want to prevent this? You can then place it in a tall vase for more support and, if necessary, insert a stick into the stem.
Where do you put an amaryllis?
The Amaryllis is very sensitive to drafts and then becomes limp in the neck. If this does happen, you can hang the Hippeastrum upside down and fill the stem with water. Let her hang for a few hours or overnight and her head will be firm again the next morning. Then cut off a piece of the stem before placing it back in the water. She also prefers not to be too warm and it is advisable not to place the flower too close to the heater. A higher temperature can cause them to stop growing. Useful to know: the ideal temperature for the flower to bloom is between 15 and 25 degrees. Usually the table is a good place.
How do you keep amaryllis bulbs?
The Amaryllis is not only available as a cut flower for a bouquet, but is also a plant. You can plant the bulb between October and April, but preferably after the frost period. The Hippeastrum cannot tolerate frost. After 7 to 10 weeks, the flower starts to bloom, depending on the temperature.
The Amaryllis bulb, like all other flowers, wilts after a while. But did you know that you don't have to throw away the plant? You can keep it. After flowering, place the bulb in a place with sufficient light and store it at 10-15 degrees for about 8 weeks when the weather gets colder. After this rest period, you can place the amaryllis indoors and it will grow and bloom again!
Let the Amaryllis shine in your home!
The Hippeastrum is a beautiful and striking flower and plant, which adds a touch of elegance and color to any room in which it is placed. It's no wonder it is so loved and a popular choice for Christmas. And now that you know more about the Amaryllis, you can also make the flower shine in your home!
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